Anugerah Fishing

23 Oktober 2023
Artikel, Berita, Objek Wisata


In addition to a hobby, fishing can be a means of entertainment and refreshment from daily life. One of the fishing spots in Palangka Raya town is Anugerah Fishing.

This fishing spot is located on Pariwisata Street on Bukit Batu Tangkiling Palangka Raya City. In addition to being an entertaining place to fish, fishing at Anugerah also offers a variety of delicious dishes to enjoy on-site. Tourists who want to eat their fishing results directly can also be prepared and served directly from the Anugerah Fishing restaurant.

This tourist destination can be enjoyed alone, with friends or family. The atmosphere of this fishing spot is also comfortable, quiet, and accompanied by a gentle breeze.

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